Do not Let Your Hard Disk Unemployed

>> Saturday, August 7, 2010

Do not Let Your Hard Disk Unemployed. At idle computer time, virtually all of the physical components of working fully. Hard disk for example, still spinning even though no activities performed. So also the flow of electricity, with power still flows not so much different. This is a waste.

Of the unemployed without the use of electricity, better hard disk is set to automatically straighten itself in order to optimize the time you leave idle. This way you can also save time because they do not need to frequently take the time to run Disk Defragmenter in the period close.

Here are the steps to optimize your hard disk:
  1. Click> Start> and type Regedt32.exe
  2. Go to the subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Current \ OptimalLayaout
  3. Create a new DWORD value. The trick right click the mouse on the right side windows, then select> New> DWORD (32 bit) value
  4. Double click DWORD Value EnableAutoLayout
  5. Change Value Data to do with the value I
  6. Click "OK"
  7. Close the Registry Editor and restart your computer


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