Visual Software Downloads For Windows

>> Sunday, August 1, 2010

Visual Software Under Windows. SkinStudio is a software that allows you to change the visual styles in Windows, when applied with WindowBlinds. Skin can be used on Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7. SkinStudio 7.1 with this you can change title bars, borders, push buttons, scrollbars, Star Bar, Start menu, and almost every other part of Windows Operating GUI.

SkinStudio is software that is provided free of charge. In addition to the free version, there is also a Pro version for more of the features for free, while for the pro version is more complete, such as builders to load the start menu animation, syncing substyle, and many others. SkinStudio Pro is available separately or with a subscription to Object Desktop.
  1. Updates for the new font choice on the WB 7.1 beta
  2. Updated for WindowBlinds 7.1 supports new features in Windows 7
  3. Control over the color of the background on the area of the Windows folder 7
  4. Control over the color of the text in the preview area below the windows Explorer in Windows 7

Further information, including download links, available at


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