Not Censored Free Google Hong Kong, China Netter Joy

>> Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Since Google presents search results in China-free sensors, the search for various terms that are considered 'forbidden' direct traffic increased crowding Google search results.

If China's internet users previously restricted their right to seek the information they want, now with Google's China search engine that the server has been redirected to Google's Hong Kong, they can freely type in keywords that information wants to be known.

In fact, they can also find information previously banned because it is considered sensitive. Google says, search using the term directly sensitive jumped 10 times more since Google no longer to comply with the government of China to censor search results.

Search using the word 'Tiananmen', 'Falun Gong', and 'corruption' increased substantially since Google no longer censoring Google China searches.

Data from Google Trends shows, there are approximately 2.5 million searches for 'Tiananmen Square' and approximately 4.7 million search results on the banned religious group called the 'Falun Gong'. In addition, more than 20 million people to find out information about Google itself, related to feuds and action against the government of China.

Since last week, Google removed the Google search engine-language China, to Google free sensors that operate in Hong Kong. Thus, Google stopped censoring search results in China. This step is getting support from the activist group Human Rights (Human Rights) as well as the fury of the government of China. (Detik / Telegraph)


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