AVG Free Tool For Computer Recovery

>> Sunday, July 25, 2010

Who is not familiar with AVG, a free antivirus software vendor in the world? AVG again offer free status of products are quite interesting, named AVG Rescue CD. This software can use to restore your computer can not boot or infected in such a way that does not operate normally. It previously only available in the AVG product line for small base. But now commonly become your customers for free can also be enjoyed.

AVG offers a variety of tools clamic electoral system from attacks such as viruses and spyware, restore Windows operating system, and do the clean boot from the CD. Can Rescue CD you download on www.avg.com/us-en /avg-rescue-cd and then transferred to CD or DVD, or also use a USB flash disk. In addition, please enter into the broken computer and use it as a recovery disk.

If your computer is booting error in the use AVG Rescue CD, a Linux-based utility will automatically recognize all of your hard drives for viruses and malware. He will restore a secure network connection to the computer. For users who are more expert, AVG Rescue CD is accompanied with the Windows Registry editor, TeskDisk utility to restore deleted files and partitions are lost due to virus, a file browser to navigate to the folder, and the Ping tool to diagnose basic network.


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